Type UA-g
The UA-g machines are equipped with a quick-change system with fixed clamping frames and can be extended with a system for automatic loading or processing film on roll.
The automatic loading system for plates machinery offers numerous benefits to the plates machines, which include greater productivity by an even material flow.
This unit can be further provided with a supplemental heating to the pre-heating, or to realize the heating of the finished material
(results in a shorter production cycle). Numerous options and customized solutions are possible.
UA 100g is equipped with a max. forming area of 1000 x 700mm
UA 150g is equipped with a max. forming area of 1500 x 1000mm
UA 155g is equipped with a max. forming area of 1500 x 1250mm
UA 250g is equipped with a max. forming area of 2500 x 1500mm